Year: 2010

Bureaucracy, Education, Implications, NeuroPsyche

US Censors Mental Health Journalist Bob Whitaker? (Mind Freedom International)

our society of believes that all people diagnosed with
schizophrenia need to be on medication all their lives. Yet, the NIMH
has funded a long-term study of schizophrenia outcomes by a researcher
named Martin Harrow, and in 2007 he reported that at the end of 15
years, the recovery rate for those off medication was 40%, versus 5%
for those on medication. …

Herbs, Nutriceutical

Traditional Herbal Medicines: Coriander (Coriandrum Sativum) [Global College of Natural Medicine]

the Ayurvedic tradition, Coriander has a bitter, pungent taste with an astringent quality, and a cooling energy. It is tridoshic, being beneficial for balancing Pitta dosha (fire & water), Kapha
dosha (water & earth), and Vata dosha (air & ether). The essential oil consists of the linalol called coriandrol (60 to 70%), geraniol, borneol and terpenes. …

Exercise Science, Yoga

Bikram Yoga: It’s Hot! (Global College of Natural Medicine)

Within reason, anyone at any age can perform
the poses, but this style of yoga does require the practitioner to be in better physical condition and have a high tolerance for heat. While the practice is somewhat controversial due to a number
of injuries sustained by class patrons, it’s still a popular and beneficial exercise choice.