A wise customer wanted to find out if the corn nuts she was eating were from genetically modified corn. She emailed the company and got quite a shock. …
You’re probably already aware of the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascular health, but did you know that omega-3s are also extremely beneficial for moods and cognitive function? In fact,
there’s a tremendous amount of good evidence demonstrating that omega-3 fatty acids can help enhance brain function and prevent depression. …
The randomized, placebo-controlled study, which was published in the October 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA October, 21 2009;302(15):1651-1657), set out to determine whether omega 3s could improve the response to sertraline
(Zoloft) in 122 patients with both major depression and coronary heart disease. …
the Ayurvedic tradition, Coriander has a bitter, pungent taste with an astringent quality, and a cooling energy. It is tridoshic, being beneficial for balancing Pitta dosha (fire & water), Kapha
dosha (water & earth), and Vata dosha (air & ether). The essential oil consists of the linalol called coriandrol (60 to 70%), geraniol, borneol and terpenes. …
Within reason, anyone at any age can perform
the poses, but this style of yoga does require the practitioner to be in better physical condition and have a high tolerance for heat. While the practice is somewhat controversial due to a number
of injuries sustained by class patrons, it’s still a popular and beneficial exercise choice.
New research supports that established stem cells can take on the properties of younger stem cells when in their presence.
The detailed map displays how the human genome is altered during embryonic development.
Scientists have captured images of binding proteins to reveal the molecular structure of cell signaling systems.