I am featured on this site below as a fake, B.S. and fraud martial artist. I
thought it would be interesting and fun if you all could see what it’s like to
be attacked verbally from all sides. …
I apologize to all of you real Martial Artisists and feel greatly ashamed for
trying to fool so many people. I guess now I will crawl back into the hole from
which I came. I guess it is time to either enter a few new tournaments or just
shut the f$%k up. Thanks for the insight, clarity, and vision you have provided
me with. …
I was bouncer, and I have fought with dozens of drunk people. They are easy to
control and victory is a relatively simple thing if you know what you are doing.
The fact that you list this as an accomplishment is indicative of your lack of
knowledge on the subject. …
If you’re not sure of yourself, you’re going to be too afraid to do anything.
You’ll just shit your pants and get your ass kicked at the same time. …
Throwing out random names won’t help you. Throwing out a phone number we
can call to verify your claims will. …