
Bureaucracy, Education, Implications, NeuroPsyche

US Censors Mental Health Journalist Bob Whitaker? (Mind Freedom International)

our society of believes that all people diagnosed with
schizophrenia need to be on medication all their lives. Yet, the NIMH
has funded a long-term study of schizophrenia outcomes by a researcher
named Martin Harrow, and in 2007 he reported that at the end of 15
years, the recovery rate for those off medication was 40%, versus 5%
for those on medication. …

Bureaucracy, Education, NeuroPsyche

Six (6) *brief* news alerts for independent mental health: MindFreedom International News – 12 December 2009

These “inconvenient truth” brain damage medical studies — confirmed
by repeated animal studies, brain scans and autopsies — are now well
known throughout the medical field, but are almost never explained to
the general public, who are often the ones to pay for these expensive

Bureaucracy, Education, NeuroPsyche

Op Ed: Choice in Mental Health is a Human Right (Mind Freedom International)

Many of the
medications currently provided are typically associated with
significant medical risk, are often experienced as subjectively
harmful, and their long-term effectiveness remains controversial.
Furthermore, there are widely researched psychosocial alternative
treatments likely to be at least as effective for many, with fewer
harmful effects.” …

NeuroPsyche, Pharmacogenetics

Psychopharmacology: Atypical Antipsychotic Dosing: The Effect of Smoking and Caffeine

The width of the therapeutic window determines the clinical
significance of the plasma level changes associated with smoking
and caffeine intake. Compared with olanzapine, clozapine has a
much narrower therapeutic window. Several of clozapine’s side effects
are dose related: plasma levels higher than 1,000 ng per milliliter
have been associated with toxicity, including seizure risk and severe
sedation. …