Oppose Forced Drugging, Celebrate CM Week, and more!
proponents of expanding forced psychiatry have already lobbied for
outpatient forced drugging laws in almost every state in the union. It
is with great alarm that we have learned that the next domino to fall
may be Texas.
about this new piece of legislation and EMAIL OR CALL Texas legislators
to state YOUR OPPOSITION to the human rights abuse that is forced
outpatient commitment:
can learn about one MindFreedom member’s (and forced drugging
survivor’s) reasons for writing Texas legislators and opposing this bill
when you call the Texas legislators, don’t forget to mention the new
research demonstrating that forced outpatient commitment DOESN’T WORK:
if you are not a resident of the state of Texas, you can make YOUR
VOICE as a citizen heard. Stop human rights abuses and forced psychiatry
here and pave the way for ending them nationwide!
of you have heard of Creative Maladjustment Week, envisioned by
MindFreedom founder and former executive director David Oaks as a
worldwide celebration of disciplined non-conformity, a non-violent
revolution to HEAL our sick society. (You can learn more about the
philosophy behind this exciting event at http://cmweek.org/philosophy)
celebrations, which will take place from July 7 – 14, 2013, may seem
like a long ways away, but NOW is the perfect time to start planning how
YOU will demonstrate your creative maladjustment during this week-long
celebration and throughout the year!
put together a packet of information for activists who want to
demonstrate their CREATIVE MALADJUSTMENT for all to see. Download it
takes a lot of resources to pull together a worldwide celebration of
creative maladjustment! Can you support MindFreedom as we work to
steward this important event?
you already have an event or two planned and you’d like to connect with
other folks in your area. We can help spread the word about your
Creative Maladjustment! Just fill out the form at:
hour in history needs a dedicated circle of transformed nonconformists.
Our planet teeters on the brink of atomic annihilation; dangerous
passions of pride, hatred and selfishness are enthroned in our lives;
and men do reverence before false gods of nationalism and materialism.
The saving of our world from pending doom will come, not through the
complacent adjustment of the conforming majority, but through the
creative maladjustment of a nonconforming minority.”
MindFreedom International is open to all — including family members, advocates, and concerned mental health workers.
majority of MFI members identify as ‘psychiatric survivors.’
Psychiatric survivors have experienced abuse in mental health care, but
nothing can stop their activism for justice.
You are invited to join and support MFI!
YOUR membership donation is crucial to MindFreedom International’s independent campaigns for human rights alternatives.
Join, donate or renew early now:
Founded in 1986, benefits include the MindFreedom Journal, special web and e-mail networking, discount on http://www.madmarket.org purchases, MindFreedom Shield, member services office… and a united nonviolent revolution in mental well being.