The study authors stated that these results appear to corroborate the
findings from the ARIC and Framingham studies indicating that consumption of
diet soda, either independently or in conjunction with other dietary and
lifestyle behaviors, may lead to metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes.
“Higher vitamin C intake is independently associated with a lower risk of gout,”
the study authors write. “Supplemental vitamin C intake may be beneficial in the
prevention of gout.” …
Meanwhile, AstraZeneca folks were worried about Study 15. As you know, internal
emails released as court documents show that higher-ups praised a company
doctor’s efforts to put a “positive spin” on “this cursed study.” Company
officials discussed their “cherry-picking” of data; one said, “Thus far, we have
buried Trials 15, 31, 56 and are now considering COSTAR” (which also produced
unfavorable results). In public, however, AstraZeneca publicized a less-rigorous
study showing that patients lost weight
on Seroquel. …
Some of the early results are already in — Pfizer v. Wyeth, Merck v. Schering,
Roche v. Genentech. But there are lots of key matchups left to go before merger
mania reaches its absurd conclusion and the whole industry consolidates under
one giant roof. …