Author: Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander

Healthy Living & Self-Defense for Vocational and Avocational Motivation and Self-Improvement through Hypnosis, Yoga, Capoeira and Metaphysical Science.
Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacokinetics

Clozaril Side Effects & Drug Interactions Associated with Discontinuation of Treatment

Clozapine is a substrate for many CYP450 isozymes, in particular 1A2, 2D6, and
3A4. The risk of metabolic interactions caused by an effect on an individual
isoform is therefore minimized. Nevertheless, caution should be used in patients
receiving concomitant treatment with other drugs that are either inhibitors or
inducers of these enzymes. …


Child Experts Fail to Reveal Full Drug Pay

A world-renowned
child psychiatrist whose work has helped fuel an explosion
in the use of powerful antipsychotic medicines in children earned at least $1.6
million in consulting fees from drug makers from 2000 to 2007 but for years did
not report much of this income to university officials, according to information
given Congressional investigators.


Why it Takes 2,000 Gallons of Fresh Water to Produce 1 Gallon of Milk

Drink water. Pure, fresh spring water. Not tap water, not bottled water filled
with plastics. Find and drink pure water from the Earth, and you will be doing
your part to help sustain the potential for human life on this planet for
generations to come. You’ll also be saving countless cows from abusive
exploitation by commercial dairy ranches, many of which now laughingly claim to
be “organic.” See the Organic Consumers Association (
href=”” target=_blank>
) to learn more about the false
organic cow’s milk producers. While there are a few, smaller …