Some trials have shown that having this info on genetic variation can help docs
pinpoint the proper warfarin dosage. And that’s important, because even small
changes in dosage can have big effects, either on the not-enough-thinning side
or the so-much-thinning-it’s dangerous side. …
Hamburg, not-so-coincidentally, is an expert on pandemics as well as
bioterrorism, the Wall Street Journal
reports. A spokeswoman for Sen. Ted Kennedy, who chairs the committee,
told the paper that it’s a “high priority” to get Dr. Hamburg confirmed,
stat–at least in part because her expertise “will be an invaluable resource” in
handling the H1N1 outbreak. …
The international drama playing out right now before our eyes is an example of
how citizens around the world can be easily manipulated by doctors and
politicians engaging in fear mongering in the name of disease control to forward
agendas that have more to do with ideology, power and corporate profits than
health. …
Under the new regulations, the cultivation of MON 810, a GM corn produced by
Monsanto, will be prohibited in Germany. A clause in EU law allows individual
countries to impose such bans. Environmental groups welcomed the ban, pointing
out that numerous scientific studies demonstrated GM corn was a danger to the
environment. …
Monsanto has been ruthless in their drive to use India as a testing ground for
genetically modified crops, and it gives us a very clear picture of what could
be in store for the rest of the world’s small farmers if they’re allowed to
continue. …
Mullis told an audience of students and faculty at San Jose State University
(SJSU) during a lecture last week that he was confident with his current
development of a flu treatment …