[smd] ROSES-13 Amendment 20: Appendix C.12 MDAP proposal due date delayed
[smd] ROSES-13 Amendment 20: Appendix C.12 MDAP proposal due date delayed
Tue, Sep 17, 2013 7:09 am
objective of the Mars Data Analysis Program (MDAP) is to enhance the
scientific return from missions to Mars conducted by NASA and other
space agencies.
These include, but are not limited to, the following
missions: Mars Pathfinder (MPF), Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), Mars
Odyssey (MO), Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs), Mars Express (MEX), Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), and Phoenix (PHX).
MDAP broadens
scientific participation in the analysis of mission data sets and funds
high-priority areas of research that support planning for future Mars
missions. MDAP supports scientific investigations of Mars using publicly
available (released) data.
proposal due date for Appendix C.12, the Mars Data Analysis Program,
has been delayed by two weeks due to loss of power caused by flooding in
Colorado. The new due date for proposals is Friday, October 4, 2013.
or about September 17, 2013, this Amendment to the NASA Research
Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES)
2013” (NNH13ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity
homepage at http://nspires.nasaprs.com/ and will appear on the RSS feed at: http://nasascience.nasa.gov/researchers/sara/grant-solicitations/roses-2013
concerning this amendment and Appendix C.12, MDAP,may be directed to
Mitchell Schulte, Planetary Science Division, Science Mission
Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001. Telephone:
(202) 358-2127; E-mail: mitchell.d.schulte@nasa.gov.