Funding For Education – CA
Funding For Education
Funding for education is widely available for many people who
qualify. As you search for funding, you can look for general
opportunities such as scholarships and pell grants, or more specific
funding from private and charitable foundations. The more you learn of
various funding options, the more you will be able to apply to those to
which you might qualify. Our goal with this section of resources it both
educate you on the kind of funding available and steps in which you
need to follow in the application process.
Almost every school for higher education has some sort of funding
that is offered to their students. Any form of financial aid can be very
helpful while going to school whether it be a scholarship, grant, or
even a loan. The best place to start is the financial aid resources
provided by your educational institution. Here we have compiled a list
of major schools in each state with a financial aid link as well as a
scholarship/grant link. These links are helpful to quickly get you
started on applying for these funding opportunities.
State Higher Education Oversight Agency Link(s):
California Postsecondary Education Commission
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education