Research and Technology Development
Research and Technology Development
Number: 12.910
Agency: Department Of Defense
Office: Advanced Research Projects Agency
Program Information
Program Number/Title (010):
12.910 Research and Technology Development
Federal Agency (030):
Authorization (040):
10 U.S.C. 2358; 10 U.S.C. 2371.
Objectives (050):
To support and stimulate basic research, applied research and technology
development at educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and
commercial firms, which may have military or dual-use application. This
support may take the form of grants, cooperative agreements, or other
Types of Assistance (060):
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
Uses and Use Restrictions (070):
No block or formula grants. Only project grants resulting from
scientific proposals. Basic research, applied research and technology
development in areas of science and technology which may have military
or dual-use application. Projects are expected to advance the state of
the art or result in fundamental change in technology. Support for
scientific symposia, conferences in relevant technology areas, and
consortia which deals with relevant technologies. Programs to encourage
careers in science, technology and engineering, and to increase the
number of graduates from underrepresented minority groups. Programs
assisting laboratory research instrumentation at universities. Programs
intended to produce fundamentally different approaches to relevant
technologies or establish fundamentally new relationships among the
parties engaged in technology development. Potential recipients should
note that by DARPA these funds are awarded on project-by-project basis
and are not block grants. The research focus areas are defined in the
advertisement of potential research needs (See references to Broad
Agency Announcements in Application and Award Process).
Eligibility Requirements (080)
Applicant Eligibility (081):
For grants, eligibility is limited to public and private educational
institutions and nonprofit organizations operated for purposes in the
public interest. For cooperative agreements, eligibility is limited to
educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and commercial firms.
Eligibility for other transactions is the same as for cooperative
agreements. Individuals are not eligible for these awards.
Beneficiary Eligibility (082):
Public and private educational institutions. Nonprofit organizations
operated for purposes in the public interest and commercial firms.
Credentials/Documentation (083):
Applicants must not appear on the debarred or suspended list for DoD.
If the award is a grant, cooperative agreement, or other transaction the
applicant must not appear on the nonprocurement debarred of suspended
list. In addition, the provisions of OMB Circular Nos. A-21, A-87,
A-88, A-110, A-122, and A-133 must be met.
Application and Award Process (090)
Preapplication Coordination (091):
None. This program is excluded from coverage under E.O.12372.
Application Procedures (092):
Eligible organizations may submit proposals or white papers in response
to relevant Broad Agency Announcements published in the Federal Business
Opportunities (– look for DARPA under other Defense
Award Procedure (093):
Award decisions are based upon competitive selection of specific project
proposals resulting from a scientific review. Evaluators use the
evaluation criteria contained in the relevant Broad Agency Announcement.
Generally, the offeror’s proposal is incorporated into the grant
document and the offeror agrees to perform the project as described in
the proposal, with specific deliverable due from the project.
Deadlines (094):
Deadlines are specified by the various Broad Agency Announcements.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time (095):
A representative range of time required for the proposal to be accepted
for award would be 60 to 120 days. Awards on high priority projects
generally would take less time.
Appeals (096):
Not applicable.
Renewals (097):
Renewals generally require reapplication with a new proposal.
Extensions can generally be handled under the terms of the original
grant, cooperative agreement, or other transaction.
Assistance Consideration (100)
Formula and Matching Requirements (101):
This program has no statutory formula. All cooperative agreements require cost-sharing of at least 50 percent.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance (102):
Since this is a research and technology program, the assistance is
generally available for a 3 to 5-year period, as stated in the
individual grant, agreement, or other transactions. Funding is usually
provided incrementally in accordance with a payment schedule contained
in the award document.
Post Assistance Requirements (110)
Reports (111):
Grantees, agreement holders, and other awardees are expected to publish,
or otherwise make publicly available, the results of the work. Copies
of reports are furnished by the awardees to a prescribed list of
addressees, including the Defense Technical Information Center. Further
distribution is made by DTIC on a request basis to DoD agencies and
their contractors.
Audits (112):
In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A-133 (Revised,
June 27, 2003), “Audits of States, Local Governments, and Nonprofit
Organizations,” nonfederal entities that expend financial assistance of
$500,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a
program-specific audit conducted for that year. Nonfederal entities
that expend less than $500,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from
Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in OMB
Circular No. A-133.
Records (113):
Each awardees must maintain sufficient records to permit determination
that the funds were used appropriately for the award purpose.
Financial Information (120)
Account Identification (121):
Obligations (122):
FY 07 est not reported; FY 08 est not reported; and FY 09 est not reported.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance (123):
$100,000 to $100,000,000. Average: $1,150,000.
Program Accomplishments (130):
In fiscal year 2002, projected totals are 30 grant awards and 20 other transactions.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature (140):
The DARPA Brochure, can be obtained from the Headquarters office. This
publication lists the points of contact within the various scientific
disciplines. For additional information see DARPA’s website:
Related Programs (160):
Examples of Funded Projects (170):
Research Grants: 1. Bioscensors Technology; 2. Electomagnetic material
Technology; 3. Silicon nanofabrication and nanoelectronics device
manufacturing; 4. High bandgap materials and devices; 5. Advanced
Lithography; 6. Simulation based design; 7. Power systems for land
vehicles; and 8. Wireless communications devices.
Criteria for Selecting Proposals (180):
Listed in descending order of relative importance: (1) Overall
scientific and technical merit; (2) potential contribution and relevance
to DARPA mission; (3) offeror’s capabilities and related experience;
(4) plans and capability to accomplish technology transition; and (5)
cost realism.
Contact Information
Regional or Local Office:
Not applicable.
Headquarters Office:
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, ATTN: Director, Contract
Management Office (CMO), 3701 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203.
Telephone: (703) 696-2399. FTS is not available.
General Information
Assistance Types:
Applicant Eligibilty:
20 – Public nonprofit institution/organization (includes institutions of
higher education and hospitals)/42 – Higher Education (includes
20 – Public nonprofit institution/organization (includes
institutions of higher education and hospitals)/66 – Science and
21 – Other public institution/organization/42 – Higher Education (includes Research)
21 – Other public institution/organization/66 – Science and Technology
– Private nonprofit institution/organization (includes institutions of
higher education and hospitals)/42 – Higher Education (includes
36 – Private nonprofit institution/organization (includes
institutions of higher education and hospitals)/66 – Science and
38 – Other private institutions/organizations/42 – Higher Education (includes Research)
38 – Other private institutions/organizations/66 – Science and Technology
Beneficiary Eligibilty:
20 – Public nonprofit institution/organization, 21 – Other public
institution/organization, 36 – Private nonprofit
institution/organization, 38 – Other private institution/organization