Anonymous, Implications

What’s up barack?

Obama Declares Swine Flu Emergency (

Obama’s use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches

Obama’s Covert Hypnosis

Obama Supports Food Inc.’s World Domination and All We Get Is the White House Garden?

“Organic agriculture can feed the world, turn back climate change and make food production more resilient to droughts and floods. Organic agriculture can do it with biodiversity instead of biotech, greenhouse gas sequestration instead of emissions, natural pest management instead of toxic pesticides, humus-rich compost instead of fossil fuel fertilizers and sewage sludge, more family farmers and better conditions for farm workers.”

“The question of which agriculture model will dominate food production is a question we only have one opportunity to answer. Once a seed or animal variety is extinct or contaminated with foreign genes, we will never get it back. In an age when a billion people are stuffed while a billion people are starved, most people on the planet suffer from either poor nutrition, exposure to toxic ingredients, diet-related diseases, or all three. Agriculture is a life and death issue for all of us.”

“So, which side is the Obama Administration on?”

-Alexis Baden-Mayer, “Obama Supports Food Inc.’s World Domination and All We Get Is the White House Garden?” October 23, 2009

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