[heomd] NASA announces research opportunity NNJ13ZSA002N-FLAGSHIP “NASA Research and Technology Development to Support Crew Health and Performance in Space Exploration Missions”
[heomd] NASA announces research opportunity NNJ13ZSA002N-FLAGSHIP “NASA Research and Technology Development to Support Crew Health and Performance in Space Exploration Missions”
Human Research Program (HRP) has released solicited research response
area NRA NNJ13ZSA002N-FLAGSHIP “NASA Research and Technology Development
to Support Crew Health and Performance in Space Exploration Missions”
that solicits applied research in support of HRP goals and objectives.
This response area is Appendix A of the Human Exploration Research
Opportunities (HERO) NRA (NNJ13ZSA002N).
are solicited by NASA in the areas of Short-Term Mild Hypoxia
(Exploration Atmosphere) Effects on Visual Impairment and Intracranial
Pressure (VIIP) Related Variables, Immune Function and Oxidative Stress
and Damage during Long-Term Spaceflight on the International Space
Station (ISS), Cerebral Spinal Fluid Production/Absorption and Various
Other Effects of 90 Days Hind-Limb Suspension in Rats: Tissue Sharing
Opportunities, Combined Effects of Simulated Deep Space Radiation and
Weightlessness on Health Related Biomarkers and Oxidative Stress and
Damage in Cell Cultures, Standardized Behavioral Health Measures List,
Antarctic Long Duration Neurostructural Change, Neurobehavioral
Conditions List for Characterizing Behavioral Health Risk for
Exploration Missions, Specialized Roles Necessary for Effective Team
Function and Performance on Exploration Missions, Biomarkers as
Predictors of Behavioral Health Outcomes, Computational Modeling and
Simulation for Habitat/Vehicle Design and Assessment, Automated Data
Collection Tools for Habitability Design and Assessment, and Kinetics of
Degradation of Vitamins B1 and K through Processing and Storage of
Spaceflight Foods.
Appendix A of the HERO NRA and associated documentation can be found at: https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={1508B7F5-1CBA-4EAC-7D10-0D9D1C62E47D}&path=open
The HERO NRA including all open appendices is available through the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at: https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={3ECC0A86-6C9E-AC76-804C-025A7396B161}&path=open
Appendix A Step-1 proposals are due September 4, 2013. Invited Appendix A Step-2 proposals are due December 3, 2013.
categories of United States (U.S.) institutions are eligible to submit
proposals in response to the NRA. Principal Investigators may
collaborate with universities, Federal Government laboratories, the
private sector, and state and local government laboratories. In all such
arrangements, the applying entity is expected to be responsible for
administering the project according to the management approach presented
in the proposal. NASA’s policy is to conduct research with non-U.S.
organizations on a cooperative, no exchange-of-funds basis.
email is being sent on behalf of HRP and is intended as an information
announcement to the research community related to the NASA Human
Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) Human Research
Program (HRP).
Thank you for your continued interest in NASA and NSBRI. Please refer to the solicitation document for contact information.