There’s nothing more sacred than the physician-patient relationship, and we
physicians have the responsibility to make sure nothing gets in the way of that
relationship–or even appears to get in the way.” …
the FDA warned that it would probably start missing deadlines because of a
staffing crunch. And observers have commented that the agency seems to be
hesitant at the approval trigger, perhaps because it’s gun-shy after a variety
of high-profile drug safety problems. …
Synthetic biology could be used to create new drugs and medical devices,
solve ecological problems and even create new organisms. …
“Patients with chronic neurodegenerative diseases frequently have many risk
factors for vitamin D insufficiency,” including advancing age, obesity,
avoidance of sun exposure, residence in northerly latitudes and having darker
skin. …
“Significantly more patients with style=”BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed”>Parkinson’s
disease [55 percent] had insufficient vitamin D than did controls [36
percent] or patients with Alzheimer’s
disease [41 percent],” the researchers wrote. …
1 ,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2 D3 ), which is the biologically active form
of vitamin D, has anti-inflammatory effects and can prevent experimental
Parkinson’s disease (PD). …
We hypothesize, based upon several lines of evidence, that documented
chronically inadequate vitamin D intake in the United States, particularly in
the northern states and particularly in the elderly, is a significant factor in
the pathogenesis of PD. …
Researchers hypothesize, based upon several lines of evidence, that documented
chronically inadequate vitamin D intake in the United States,
particularly in the northern states and particularly in the elderly, is a
significant factor in the causes of Parkinson’s disease. …
Do they really think readers are so stupid as to believe sunshine exposure
causes Parkinson’s disease? They’re apparently willing to print the false
headlines and find out. …
the industry looks fairly safe, despite the U.S. financial crisis, but others
say that because of the potential tax hit, U.S. drug companies are more likely
to go into debt than to repatriate cash. …