
Implications, NeuroPsyche, Toxicology

The Patriot Ledger How many more Rebecca Rileys? To diagnose a 2-year-old as bipolar by adult standards is crazy

By prescribing strong medicines instead
of teaching children new choices using proven behavioral methods, we
short-circuit a child’s learning process and, even worse, lay the
tracks for a lifetime habit of responding to challenge and
disappointment with avoidance, denial and chemical dependency. …

Biotechnology, Implications, Toxicology

Austrian Government Study Confirms Genetically Modified (GM) Crops Threaten Human Fertility and Health Safety

the Executive Director of the Institute for
Responsible Technology says, “GM foods are likely responsible for
several negative health trends in the US. The government must impose an
immediate ban on these dangerous crops.” He says, “Consumers don’t need
to wait for governmental action. They can download a free Non-GMO
Shopping Guide at

Nutriceutical, Toxicology

Hydrogen Cyanide Poisoning from Inhalation of Smoke Produced in Fires (Aristatek, Inc)

The hydroxocobalamin neutralizes cyanide by fixing it to form cyanocobalamin
(vitamin B12) which is excreted in the urine. It does not have the problem of
reducing the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen as in the case of nitrite
administration. Hydroxocobalamin is red in color and will turn the mucous
membranes, skin, and urine red, which could interfere with clinical laboratory
tests which depend on color. …