Author: Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander

Healthy Living & Self-Defense for Vocational and Avocational Motivation and Self-Improvement through Hypnosis, Yoga, Capoeira and Metaphysical Science.
Biotechnology, Implications, Toxicology

Austrian Government Study Confirms Genetically Modified (GM) Crops Threaten Human Fertility and Health Safety

the Executive Director of the Institute for
Responsible Technology says, “GM foods are likely responsible for
several negative health trends in the US. The government must impose an
immediate ban on these dangerous crops.” He says, “Consumers don’t need
to wait for governmental action. They can download a free Non-GMO
Shopping Guide at


NEWS: New public genome database to spark research, unease (BioTechniques Int.)

Though dissenting opinions on the appropriateness of a person’s complete, public
genome are widespread in response to PGP’s approach, the 10 volunteers’ full
genomes are far from being completely sequenced: the privately-funded project is
focusing on only a handful of genes that seem to have the most influence over
disease, behavior, and physical traits. …