Pharmacokinetics, Toxicology

CAUTION: Concomitant Administration of Clozapine and Lorazepam (Clozaril and Ativan)

Because even the most benign of side effects has the potential of
becoming fatal in certain circumstances if left unaddressed, it is
imperative for patients, clinicians, pharmacists, and all health care
professionals to be aware of adverse reactions and possible complica
tions of clozapine therapy to prevent significant morbidity and
mortality. …

Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacokinetics

Clozaril Side Effects & Drug Interactions Associated with Discontinuation of Treatment

Clozapine is a substrate for many CYP450 isozymes, in particular 1A2, 2D6, and
3A4. The risk of metabolic interactions caused by an effect on an individual
isoform is therefore minimized. Nevertheless, caution should be used in patients
receiving concomitant treatment with other drugs that are either inhibitors or
inducers of these enzymes. …