Month: May 2009

Bureaucracy, Implications, Money

Something Smells at Whole Foods (

When rumors recently began circulating that a union drive might be brewing in
San Francisco, the response from the company was immediate–including mandatory
“Morale Meetings” to dissuade employees. But company leaders failed to address
workers’ complaints that they have gone without any pay raises, sometimes for
more than two years, because Team Leaders have neglected to hold “Job Dialogue”
meetings (known as “annual performance reviews” in traditional

Bureaucracy, Education, Implications, Money

The Quiet Coup — How Bankers Seized America (

A serious financial crisis is inevitable when you live too far above your means
for too long. This applies whether you’re talking about a single-family
household or an entire country. As this article points out, countries in crisis
need to learn to live within their means – just like you and I. This may mean
increasing exports and cutting imports. …